The Erie County Home Schoolers Diploma Association was established to provide a high school diploma that meets or exceeds the standards of Act 1988-169. The development of this diploma in 1993 was triggered by two factors: the recommendation of the Pennsylvania Department of Education concerning home school diplomas, and the desire to provide the local home school organization with a diploma recognized by PHEAA (Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency), making home school graduates eligible for state loans. Since that time, there have been additional ways accepted to prove closure of secondary education and provide for financial aid for post-high school education. However, many people still choose diploma programs.
Erie County Home Schoolers Diploma Association offers several diploma options to Pennsylvania residents. While requirements differ for each diploma, all are equally recognized by the state as valid high school diplomas. The General Diploma is for any student who has met the basic requirements of the law and has evaluator letters to this effect. The Academic Diploma is for those who have met specific requirements attainable by most students. The Academic Diploma with Honors is for those who have completed work to a higher standard or have excelled in a particular subject area. In addition, an Academic Diploma with Specialization or a General Diploma with Specialization is available to students who have taken a concentration of courses in either business or a vocational area.